Ages Served
Children ages 3-5 years (as of August 1)
Every child must have a screening every year. If your child was previously screened, please include a copy.
Half Day
Monday–Thursday 8:00–11:00 a.m.*
Age 4 by August 1- Free
Age 3 by August 1 - $180/month
Friday options available.
*The Shoshoni Rec Department van runs Monday–Thursday at 11:00 a.m.
School Day
Monday–Thursday 8:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m.
Friday dismissal at 1:30 p.m.
Age 4 by August 1 - $280/month
Age 3 by August 1 - $425/month
Students ages 4 and 5 may ride the bus to and from school.
*Families in need of financial assistance may qualify for support through our partnership with the Department of Family Services. Please request an application from the administration office.*
Open enrollment will begin on March 1.
You can download the application form or pick it up at the school administrative office beginning on March 1.
Final schedule and options available will be based on student need and enrollment, and are not guaranteed. Schedule will be finalized around May 1.
The facts are in! School readiness cannot wait until kindergarten! Learning earlier is learning better!
Between the ages of three and five children are eager to learn. Research has shown that this is the most important time in a child’s development -- when the brain and body form connections essential for future learning and healthy physical growth.
During the first five years of life, children learn:
Pride and confidence in themselves
Appropriate behavior and respect for others
Build foundational skills to learn to read, write, and understand math
The basics of language
Coordination and balance
Now is the time they get to know their world, make new friends, and learn important lessons for life!
The Little Wrangler Early Learning Center exists to complement the education objectives of FCSD #24 and provide a safe, encouraging, developmentally appropriate environment for children ages 3-5. Our focus is to provide high-quality stimulating opportunities and care that nurtures young minds with experiences which promote each child’s social/emotional, physical and cognitive development. Our goal is to support children’s desire to be lifelong learners, benefitting our students, staff, families, and the larger community.
Little Wrangler Early Learning Center
Healthy, safe, consistent, caring environment for children ages 3-5
Half-day or school day options
Differentiated based on student age/development
Scholastic program
Educational opportunities through early learning curriculum
Developmental and age appropriate learning activities throughout each day
Language & Literacy
Early Math & Reading Readiness
Music & Movement
Problem Solving
Science & Technology
Cooperative Learning
Creative Arts & Fine Motor
Outdoor & Playground Gross Motor
Social Skills & Character Based Learning
Early Childhood Education Career/Technical Pathway for HS Students
Students can earn up to 15 college credits through our partnership with CWC
Gain exposure to a career in education
Earn child contact hours in Little Wrangler Early Learning Center towards a Child Development Associate (CDA) credential, which is an industry-recognized credential leading to employment opportunities
Apply learned skills in a practical early childhood setting with mentoring and guidance from an Early Childhood Instructor